What to Wear Working from Home? Zoom Office Wear!
Hello Everyone.
The revolution of working from home instead of the office has taken off!
There is now a niche fashion segment for business meetings online and what or what not to wear! Some have described this as Zoom or Teams Jewellery. Here we explore the paradigm shift in the world of fashion and place of work.
What to Wear Working From Home?
Many of you will be working from home in the future and have already done so in the past few months due to the covid situation. Many companies have adapted to have a flexible office environment that includes their workforce working completely at home or partially in the office.
What do you wear for a Zoom or Teams call online? What do you have or use?
1. A 'go to' webcam work shirt or blouse? Or T-Shirt?
2. Simple earrings? Or statement earrings?
3. Simple necklace? Or a statement necklace?
4. Formal outfit or office attire head to toe?
5. Trainers, flip flops, sandals or formal high heels?
6. Shorts or mini skirt or gym gear?
7. A bikini if the camera not needed for the call?
8. An Onsie?
9. Pyjamas! Or Pyjama bottoms?
Then....what does that do to buying habits?
1. Some people wear the same accessories or items of clothing more often.
2. Others have bought fewer items. Less need if seeing fewer people.
3. Whilst others have expressed more freedom to wear their favourite jewellery pieces whether work suitable or not!
4. Some people have increased their collection of statement or special accessories especially for online office meetings as the focus is more on the individual than for example in a real life meeting room.
What happens if you suddenly have a spontaneous meeting arranged on the day?
Do you:
1. Quickly exit the Onsie and go for the formal work shirt/blouse?
2. Or do you play the broad band bandwidth issue, 'sorry I'm unable to put my cam on due to bad connectivity'.
3. Or play it safe and wear relaxed but formal clothing/accessories to begin with!?
4. Accept defeat and go with what you chose for that day?
At Adri Madrid we have a relaxed working culture/environment. If you are relaxed, comfortable, feel good and get the job done or meet that objective, wear what makes you happy!
We have found that the Adri Madrid Small Flower Earrings have been popular for office workers, now working from home. Small and elegant they could become your 'go to earrings' for that office call. Take a look.
The Webcam Angle and Impact!
Having arranged your outfit, accessories and most likely a cup of coffee, then there is the issue of the webcam on your computer or Laptop. Many laptops have a small webcam which can make you look very different to real life!
Suddenly you are in focus.
I recommend getting a webcam with a wide lens, it takes the emphasis off you, no close ups, and then you are not magnified! You can get a good one for around £50+ USB connected. However....just make sure your background looks ok, the wide lens will show more of what is behind you!
What do YOU wear if working from home for that home work/office call? :-)
Let us know and post a comment below, what are your top tips?
How has your experience been working from home?
What is your work from home clothing/accessory strategy?
Take good care.
Adri Madrid
Small earrings work well for online meetings especially if your lap top camera does magnify you on the call!!
Formal outfit for me just in case!
I can relate to this blog post. I wore my pjs one day and forgot when I accepted an online meeting call. It involved the webcam, it was too late but my boss and colleagues were ok with it and we laughed about it….not sure it would go down well if it was a remote board room meeting though!
So true! I have a go to work blouse for online meetings that involve the webcam. Some days I stay in my pyjamas! Comfortable and still able to do the job!
Wise to have a go to or formal outfit ready though just in case you have an impromptu office meeting!